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Opal Trips - All Modes
This dataset contains a consolidated view of Official Utilisation figures across all transport modes (train, metro, bus, ferry and light rail). Opal daily tap-on/tap-off data is... -
Greater Sydney & Outer Metropolitan Bus Service Performance Data
This dataset provides monthly measures for on-time running, service cancellations, customer complaints, and customer experience metrics across all Greater Sydney Bus Contract... -
NSW TrainLink Regional Train And Coaches Statistics
This dataset contains NSW Trainlink train and coach (bus) utilisation figures. The data is aggregated to a total monthly figure representing the estimated number of trips. The... -
Reference Tables for TfNSW GTFS feeds
Reference tables for TfNSW data. A complete list of agencies and how they are defined in each GTFS feed. Using Complete GTFS + Real-Time GTFS feeds The reference tables... -
Opal Fares
In Sydney, the Blue Mountains, Central Coast, the Hunter and the Illawarra area, fares are calculated based on the distance travelled from tap on to tap off, payment method, the... -
Sydney Region Pop-up Cycleway
This dataset includes pop-up cycleways in key commuter areas across the city to promote walking and bike riding. The pop-up cycleways is part of a set of initiatives developed... -
Household Travel Survey
Household Travel Survey (HTS) is the most comprehensive source of personal travel data for the Sydney Greater Metropolitan Area (GMA). This data explores average weekday travel... -
EV Charging Locations
As Electric Vehicles (EVs) become more prevalent, it's essential that EV charging infrastructure quality and accessibility evolves. Our aim is to enhance the driving experience... -
NSW Crash Data
This dataset provides data professionals and road safety analysts direct access to road crash data. Ready access to this data helps you take on more detailed research and... -
Fare Compliance Survey Results Data
This dataset provides results data from the Fare Compliance Survey Results reports from November 2012 to the latest report (the surveys were not conducted in 2020 due to Covid)....