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Trip Planner APIs
Create your own personal public transport trip planner. APIs interact with the trip planner and provide the ability for NSW public transport trip planning,... -
Maritime Alerts Reporting Platform API
The Maritime Alerts Reporting Platform (MARP) API is a real-time GeoJSON feed of alerts intended for vessel operators. It includes information from both Roads and Maritime... -
Smart Pedestrian Project
Smart Cities, Smart Liverpool, Smart Pedestrian Project Thousands of people walk through the Liverpool city centre every day and, through the Smart Pedestrian Project, the paths... -
Sydney Region Carriageway
A carriageway is width of roadway for the movement of vehicles. There are single carriageways and dual carriageways represented as single or dual lines in the spatial... -
Street Light Location
Street lighting is a vital community asset that helps our community feel safer and more secure. Ausgrid maintains streetlights within our network area on behalf of local... -
Journey to Work (JTW) 2006
This dataset contains a snapshot of commuting patterns for Census day 2006 (Tuesday 8th August). It is a complete enumeration via a self-completion Census form. The scope of... -
Journey to Work (JTW) 2011
This dataset contains a snapshot of commuting patterns for Census day 2011 (Tuesday 9th August). It is a complete enumeration via a self-completion Census form. The scope of... -
Opal Tap On and Tap Off Release 2
This dataset provides counts of tap ons and tap offs made on the Opal ticketing system during two non-consecutive weeks in 2016. The Opal tap on and tap off dataset contains six... -
Opal Tap On and Tap Off
This dataset provides counts of tap ons and tap offs made on the Opal ticketing system during two non-consecutive weeks in 2016. The Opal tap on and tap off dataset contains six... -
Bus Occupancy - Aug 2016 to Jan 2017
This dataset provides an indicator of bus occupancy for individual bus services during three separate one week periods between August 2016 and January 2017. Monday 8 August 2016...