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Household Travel Survey
Household Travel Survey (HTS) is the most comprehensive source of personal travel data for the Sydney Greater Metropolitan Area (GMA). This data explores average weekday travel... -
Major Event Bus Routes
This dataset contains the major event bus routes to and from Sydney Olympic Park. -
Maritime Public Wharf
Public wharves, jetties and landing facilities. -
Maritime Restricted Zone
Areas of restricted waters for port security or naval purposes. -
Maritime Web Camera
Locations of web cameras, including links to the RMS website for viewing of live feeds. -
Maritime Coastal Bar
Indicative locations of coastal bars as described in the Marine Safety Regulation 2016. -
Maritime No Wash Zone
Areas where the generation of wash is prohibited as designated by signs along the waterway. -
Maritime No Towing Zone
Areas where towing of persons is prohibited as designated by signs along the waterway. -
Maritime Aid to Navigation
Channel markers and other selected aids to navigation. -
Maritime Shallow Water Area
Areas of assumed shallow water (depth of less than approximately 2 metres in tidal waters and the shallower water in inland waters at full supply).