210 datasets found

Licenses: Creative Commons Attribution

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  • Penalty Notices

    Summary of speed, parking, seat belt, red light, mobile phone, food and CINS penalty notices issued by issuing agency.
  • Mobility Parking

    If you hold a mobility parking scheme permit, you can enjoy free parking for a certain period of time in designated parking zones. This applies to parking zones with meters or...
  • Rider Log GPS

    UNSW has created an interactive dashboard from data that was acquired from Bicycle Network as collected through the RiderLog App. The maps are based on 120,085 GPS tracked...
  • Historical Traffic API

    The historical traffic API provides historical data on NSW incidents. Live Traffic NSW allows you to search for a particular date and location.
  • NSW State Roads Vertical Clearances

    This dataset shows the minimum vertical clearance (in metres) of bridges over State Roads in NSW. This information is primarily for bridges on or over State Roads managed by...
  • Trip Planner APIs

    Create your own personal public transport trip planner. APIs interact with the transportnsw.info trip planner and provide the ability for NSW public transport trip planning,...
  • Maritime Alerts Reporting Platform API

    The Maritime Alerts Reporting Platform (MARP) API is a real-time GeoJSON feed of alerts intended for vessel operators. It includes information from both Roads and Maritime...
  • Temporary and/or Sample GTFS data

    This dataset contains sample or test data to be used by app developers for feedback.
  • Local Roads Length

    Local Road Length data in meters (Segment Length) broken down by Local Government Area (LGA), Street Name and Road Administrative Class (Local, Regional, State or Unincorporated...
  • TfNSW On Demand Regions

    This dataset will no longer be updated. Please use GTFS-Flex v2 for On Demand boundaries. Basic Polygon layer for On Demand Bus regions that operate around NSW. These are used...